On This Date In Twin Cities History - February 4, 1902
On this date in 1893, acting on a petition by the Women’s Auxiliary to the World’s Fair, Senator William B. Dean offered a resolution in the Minnesota Senate recommending that the “Wild Lady’s Slipper” or “Moccasin Flower” (Cypripedium calceolus) be named the Minnesota state flower. The resolution was later adopted by both Senate and House.
Controversy ensued, however, in 1902 when the ladies of the Saint Anthony Study Circle of Minneapolis announced that Cypripedium calceolus did not actually grow wild in Minnesota. The women asked that the Minnesota Senate make an amendatory resolution correcting the issue.
The legislature, embarrassed by the publicity, moved quickly to correct the situation. On February 18, 1902, Senator Fred Snyder of Minneapolis introduced a resolution providing that the “Pink and White Lady’s Slipper” or “Showy Lady’s Slipper” (Cypripedium reginae) be adopted as the official flower of the State of Minnesota. The Senate passed the resolution and it was later adopted by the full House.
The following day on February 19, 1902, the Minneapolis Tribune reported – “State Flower Called “Fake”.
(Image above from February 19, 1902 Minneapolis Tribune)